At a press conference in Durango Claudia Sheinbaum Launches Alert for Possible Electoral Fraud and calls for mass voting on June 2.

Claudia Sheinbaum, Morena’s presidential candidate, has intensified her speech about possible electoral fraud a few days before the June 2 elections.

During a press conference in Durango, Sheinbaum accused opposition parties of buying voter credentials and offering money in exchange for votes, although she did not present evidence or formal complaints.

Accusations of vote buying

Claudia Sheinbaum Launches Alert for Possible Electoral Fraud. Photo: Screenshot

Sheinbaum, without showing concrete evidence, stated that in several entities in the country, including Mexico City and Durango, voter credentials are being purchased to prevent people from voting for Morena and its allies.

In Durango, the candidate for federal representative, Martha Oliva García, denounced that up to 16 thousand pesos are offered per credential, 8 thousand when delivering it and 8 thousand when recovering it after the elections.

Oliva García also mentioned that some people pose as Morena staff to carry out these practices.

Furthermore, the Senate candidate for Morena in Durango, Lilia Margarita Valdez Martínez, pointed out that, in addition to vote buying, coercion in public institutions is common to dissuade workers from voting for Morena.

Despite the accusations, neither Sheinbaum nor the other candidates have presented evidence or reported whether these practices have been reported to the National Electoral Institute (INE) or local electoral institutes.

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Claudia Sheinbaum Launches Alert for Possible Electoral Fraud

Call to vote freely

Claudia Sheinbaum Launches Alert for Possible Electoral Fraud. Photo: Archive

During his campaign closing tour, which covers 14 states in 10 days, Sheinbaum called on citizens to vote freely and not be influenced by vote buying.

This Tuesday, Sheinbaum led informational assemblies in Durango and Sonora, and plans to continue his tour in Chihuahua and Mexico City, where he will close his visit to the 16 mayoralties with an event in Benito Juárez, a PAN stronghold.

Keep reading: Claudia Sheinbaum Ensures that She Won the Third Presidential Debate

Claudia Sheinbaum Launches Alert for Possible Electoral Fraud

Defense of the vote

At night, Mario Delgado, national president of Morena and coordinator of Sheinbaum’s campaign, announced through social networks that Morena is the only political party that will have representatives in 100% of the country’s polling stations.

This was announced at the end of the deadline established by the INE to register the vote defense structure.

Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, representative of Morena before the General Council of the INE, denounced that a group of INE advisors is trying to approve an agreement to give an extension to the parties that have not completed the registration of their representatives in the 170 thousand boxes that will be installed on June 2.

According to the data published by Morena, they have a 99.9% advance in the registration of representatives, while other parties show lower percentages: the PAN with 40.8%, the PRI with 42.8%, the PRD with 14.19%, MC with 25.1%, the PVEM with 50.8% and the PT with 27.3%.

Claudia Sheinbaum Launches Alert for Possible Electoral Fraud

Claudia Sheinbaum is warning about possible electoral fraud and urging massive participation in the June 2 elections, while Morena prepares to defend each vote with representatives in all polling stations in the country.

R. Claudia Sheinbaum Launches Alert for Possible Electoral Fraud

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