To date, the Government of Mexico has awarded more than 2 million scholarships. AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs.
From July 1 to 30, the Ministry of Bienestar will resume the delivery of pensions and programs corresponding to the July-August two-month period, announced the head of the agency, Ariadna Montiel Reyes.
During a morning press conference with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Montiel indicated that the payment schedule based on the letter of the first surname of the pension beneficiaries will soon be presented:
Pension for the Well-being of Older Adults, the Pension for the Well-being of People with Disabilities, the Rehabilitation and Inclusion Support Program for Well-being, the Program for the Well-being of Girls and Boys Children of Working Mothers and Sowing Life.
AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs
Montiel Reyes highlighted that it is currently possible to resume the process of dispersing resources due to the end of the electoral ban.
To date, there are 14,433,422 beneficiaries who will access resources through the Banco del Bienestar card, an institution with 2,750 branches throughout the country.
AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs
High Investment of the Government of the Fourth Transformation
The investment of the Government of the Fourth Transformation in 2024 amounts to 534 thousand 903 million pesos.
From January to June, 250,532 million pesos were spent during the first three two months of the year: January-February, March-April and May-June, delivered to the population last February.
President López Obrador highlighted that the budget of the people of Mexico yields more due to the policy of not allowing corruption.
AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs
In previous six-year periods, older adults received around 1,600 pesos per two months.
Now, under the model of Mexican Humanism, they receive 6 thousand pesos every two months thanks to the consecutive increases promoted by the Q4 Government.
The Pension for the Well-being of the Elderly reaches 12 million 231 thousand 625 beneficiaries with an annual social investment of 465 thousand 48 million pesos. Until June, progress has been made with an investment of 217,924 million pesos.
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AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs
Programs that seek universality
The Pension for the Bienestar of People with Disabilities benefits one million 482 thousand 451 beneficiaries.
The social investment for 2024 is 27,860 million pesos; The mid-year budget exercise is 14,724 million pesos as part of the delivery of resources corresponding to the first three two months of the year.
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AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs
This program is aimed at universality, that is, from zero to 64 years. The Government of Mexico signs agreements with local governments that contribute 50 percent of the budget; Both parties cover all pension resources.
The Rehabilitation and Inclusion Support Program for Bienestar provides free therapies for the benefit of 26,703 girls and boys with disabilities who access 23 Teletón Foundation centers in 20 states of the country.
To date, the Government of Mexico has awarded 2,450,248 scholarships according to the figures shown at the press conference.
AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs
Other Bienestar programs
The Program for the Bienestar of Girls and Boys Children of Working Mothers is aimed at 276,416 beneficiaries.
The objective is to improve the living conditions of girls and boys in vulnerable situations due to the temporary or permanent absence of one or both parents.
The annual social investment in 2024 is 3,067 million pesos; The investment in the first half of 2024 was 1,304 million pesos.
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AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs
Sowing Life benefits 442,930 planters. In this initiative, payment is made per day worked.
The delivery of resources from January to June has been covered in 24 states with an investment of 16,580 million pesos, of the 38,928 million pesos programmed for 2024.
So far, there are 1,202 million plants in 1,107 million hectares and 333 million are reserved in nurseries.
R. AMLO Government Resumes Delivery of Bienestar Programs